Connect with Nature these Holidays - Acrobranch

Connect with Nature these Holidays - Acrobranch

Nature invites you these holidays for a valuable experience at your Acrobranch

Author; Liesl Saayman

There was a time when children had the freedom to roam freely, exploring the hidden treasures and beauty found only in nature. They could reap the mental, physical and emotional benefits nestled in exploration, adventure and unrestricted play. Those children were most likely us, a generation of parents stuck in somewhat different situations. Our children grow up in urban areas, missing out on some great developmental opportunities that we had as children.

Benefits of spending time in nature

Connect with nature | Acrobranch | Things to do With Kids

Thus the urge to provide our youngsters with the same privileges that were taken for granted by ourselves is constantly growing and this is with great reason. Research has shown that when children spend time in nature from a young age onward, clear signs of improvement can be noticed in classroom behaviour, they take on challenges with greater enthusiasm and their academic performances in various fields like maths, science and social studies improved. These studies even indicate that the symptoms of ADHD can be reduced when regular visits to a natural setting are included in their routines.

When our children play in nature, they are getting challenged with unstructured play which results in greater creative thinking. In combination with the physical challenges which are so often part of spending time in the outdoors, these can all lead to opportunities that can result in a sense of accomplishment that they would have missed out on in the structured, urban environments that we all have grown so accustomed to. It is believed that this sense of accomplishment is vital to building self-confidence which becomes a major contributing factor in their success in various areas of life later on as they mature.

Connect with nature | Acrobranch | Things to do With Kids

Benefits of spending time in nature include:

  • Improved classroom behaviour
  • Taking on life challenges with greater enthusiasm
  • Improved academic performance in various fields like maths, science and social studies
  • Reduced symptoms of ADHD
  • Greater creative thinking
  • Physical development
  • Improved self-confidence

Finding nature in urban settings at your nearest Acrobranch Adventure Park

Connect with nature | Acrobranch | Things to do With Kids

Acrobranch Adventure Parks creates natural environments abundant in opportunities for the young to reap the benefits of enjoying nature. It delivers opportunities for self-challenge, adventure and to learn various vital skills that can’t be taught in the existing academic environments. In addition, Acrobranch is indeed more than a fun and adventurous outing for children, but also a place for adults to refresh, to challenge themselves and to thrive. Although we might be all grown up, the benefits of spending time in nature, challenging yourself with new adventures and finding serenity outside of our comfort zones, indeed have no age-restriction. Spending time in nature remains a gift to ourselves while having fun and making memories.

Connect with nature | Acrobranch | Things to do With Kids

Acrobranch invites you to connect with nature these holidays! Find an Acrobranch play park near you.

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