Reaching your target market on Things To Do With Kids is easy

Founded in 2014, Things to do With Kids offered a digital and PEFC-certified, green-printed family travel, entertainment and lifestyle magazine, a website together with a vibrant, buzzing social network. Since 2022 we primarily publish digitally and we do offer media drop distribution to schools. Thingstodowithkids Pty Ltd is in the business of helping entrepreneurs, destinations and parents reach their individual goals- so feel free to contact us for a tailored package. If families are your target market, then get our standard booking form, rates and readership below.

Choose the Best Medium for Your Business At Things to do With Kids we understand that your business has unique media needs, so we offer a variety of ways to interact with our audience


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Niche Print Magazine

Quarterly print magazine reaching 24 000+ households

Campaign Planning

Let us help you plan your campaign to reach families in South Africa

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