GOGGA: Tour Entomology Collections at Iziko Museums Cape Town

GOGGA: Tour Entomology Collections at Iziko Museums Cape Town None

29 May 2015 - 31 July 2015

Iziko Museums Cape Town - ziko Rust & Vreugd, 78 Buitenkant St. Cape Town

Ever wondered what the largest or smallest insect is? Which is the rarest insect? Which is the deadliest?

Join a behind-the-scenes guided tour of the entomology research collection and find out! An entomology staff member will conduct a half-hour tour every Friday at 11:00. Space is limited so please book your place at the reception desk.

Enquiries: ISAM Reception Tel. 021 481 3805

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Details for GOGGA: Tour Entomology Collections at Iziko Museums Cape Town