{awarded} Win With NB Uitgewers!

Kinders kan hulle wêreld met hierdie prettige eerste woordeboek verken en die name van allerlei dinge rondom hulle leer. Elke bladsy is vol prente en dinge om te soek en oor te praat. Dié boeke is hardeband met volkleur illustrasies.

Children can explore their world with this fun first dictionary and learn the names of various things around them. Each page is packed with pictures and things to find and talk about. These books are hardback with full-colour illustrations.

Oor die skrywer/ About the author

Miles Kelly is ‘n uitgewery in die VK wat fokus op kinderboeke vir ouderdomme 0 tot 6 en 6 tot 9.

Miles Kelly is a publisher in the UK that focuses on children’s books for ages 0 to 6 and 6 to 9.

Publikasiedatum/Publication date: 18 Maart 2022

Prys/Price: R260,00

Bladsye/Pages: 140

Bindstyl/Binding: Hardeband

Kategorie/Category: 0-6 jaar

ISBN-13: 9780798182638

#Wen Afrikaans is n wonderlike taal. As deel van #wêreldboekedag gee ons die splinternuwe “My eerste tweetalige…

Posted by Things to do With Kids on Friday, 22 April 2022
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