{awareded} Win Holiday Ice Slide tickets with Canal Walk

Slide your way into Canal Walk, like a toboggan team these summer holidays for loads of family entertainment to add to the fun festivities of the season. With four different ice slides, snow play and Disney-themed photo booths, parents and kids will enjoy the coolest experience and be sure to make new memories this Summer holidays! Rates are R100 for a full rider, R80 for junior riders and snow play access and R35 for accompanying parents or non-riders and children under two years.

When:  9 Dec 2022 – 13 Jan 2023 (closed 25 Dec)
Where: Centre Court, Canal Walk Shopping Centre

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Enter to stand the chance of winning one of 2 sets of family (of 4) full rider tickets valued at R400 p/set! Remember to tell us who you would like to share this moment with, in comments!

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