Mom or Daddy and baby home exercise routine

Mom or Daddy and baby home exercise routine

Mom and baby family workout

By Carla Smith – The Fitness Expert

Exercise is a great way to bond with your children and impart an active healthy lifestyle. With the rainy season upon us this is the ideal way to burn some energy and treat cabin fever. Always consult your GP before starting an exercise programme. All exercises should be performed without experiencing any pain.

Mom and baby workout

6 Months and older:
Remember to securely hold and support baby throughout the exercises.
Dancing with baby
Play your favorite music and get moving!

Curl ups

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. 
Place and hold baby on your lap.
Brace your tummy tight and keep your chin on your chest.
Using your tummy muscles, gently lift your shoulders off the floor.
Try to kiss or tickle baby as you gently reach up.
Do 3 Sets of 15 – 20 repetitions

Rock-a-bye baby

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding baby in your arms, knees slightly bent.
Using a gentle controlled motion, slowly rock baby in your arms from side to side.
Remember to keep your tummy tight and your back straight throughout the exercise.
Do 3 Sets of 15 repetitions


Pulsing squats

Stand with your back against a wall for support OR use a chair as guideline to sit on.
Keep your feet hip-width apart while holding baby securely in your arms or use a baby carrier.
Gently lean against the wall for support OR start the exercise seated on the chair.
Keep your hips flexed and your tummy tight throughout the exercise.
Squat down and gently pulse up and down three times. Baby will enjoy the gentle, controlled bouncing motion. Slowly straighten up into the starting position. Be sure your knees stay behind your toes when viewed from the side.
Do 3 Sets of 15 repetitions
Cool down by doing some gentle stretching.

Fun family circuit workout

Use the following items to create a fun circuit that the whole family can enjoy:

  • Tin cans/cones 
  • Skipping rope
  • Bean bags 
  • 5 Hula hoops or use ribbons to make large circles 


First exercise: 

Space tin cans so you can criss-cross, zigzag or weave through them. 

Second exercise: 

Use the skipping rope and skip 5 times before continuing to the next exercise

Third exercise: 

Stand on two sides of the room facing each other. Daddy balances the beanbag on his head and then froggy jumps three times towards mommy. Daddy then tosses the beanbag to mommy, who puts the beanbag on her head and then froggy jumps towards the next family member and passes the beanbag.
Repeat the exercise 3-4 times each.

Fourth exercise: 

Place 5 hoops touching one another in a vertical line and in touch with each other for hopscotch. Stand in front of the row hoops with your bean bag. Throw your bean bag into the first hoop. With one or two legs jump from circle 1 to 5, turn and jump back. However you are not allowed to land in the circle with the bean bag. You need to jump over the hoop without touching the rims. Pick up the bag on your return and toss it to your sibling without losing your balance. The next person then starts again with hoop one.
Continue until you have tossed the bag into all 5 hoops. 

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